Deutsche Version

LaTeX support for Minion® Math

>> Download MinionMath-TeXLocal-current.zip

File size: approx. 4.5 MB.
Last update: 2013-12-18.


  1. Download the latest zip file.

  2. Unzip the file into your <TEXMF-LOCAL> directory.

    The zip file contains the necessary files in TeX Directory Structure (TDS) form. Unzipping puts the files automatically in the correct subdirectories of the directories “doc”, “fonts”, and “tex”.

  3. Only if you did not license the full set of 20 fonts:
    Adjust the LaTeX Font Definition Files.

    The font definition files are set up for the full set of 20 fonts. For other font sets, we provide the following patches:

    Please download the patch matching your licensed font set, and unzip the file into your <TEXMF-LOCAL> directory.

    This will replace font definition files in the directory
    <TEXMF-LOCAL>/tex/latex/minionmath/ .

  4. Update your TeX file database.

    The exact command depends on yout TeX distribution. With TeX Live, use the shell command “mktexlsr”.

  5. Make the mapfile known to TeX:

    The LaTeX support comes with 2 mapfiles:
    “minionmath.map” (OpenType / otf version of the fonts) and
    “minionmath-ps.map” (Type 1 / pfb version of the fonts).

    You can either load this map file in your tex file (by using “\pdfmapfile{+minionmath.map}” in your document preamble).

    Or you can make the map file known to TeX:
    With TeXLive, search for your “updmap.cfg” file (by the shell command “kpsewhich updmap.cfg”). Edit this file: add a line

        Map minionmath.map

    at the end of the file. Then run “updmap” (or “updmap-sys”) to update your TeX font maps (or use a similar command, depending on your TeX distribution).

    Please note:
    pdftex cannot subset OpenType fonts (subsetting means that only glyphs used in the document are included in the resulting pdf file, not the whole font).
    Minion Math's EULA requires that fonts must be subsetted in pdf files.
    Therefore either post-process your pdf files so that all fonts are subsetted, or use the Type 1 version of Minion Math fonts.
    Upon request, we will supply licensees with the Type 1 version of Minion Math.


The main package is “minionmath.sty”. Load this package in your document preamble with “\usepackage{minionmath}”.

Important package options are

  • “oldmath” (traditional TeX math font setup, with AMS-A and AMS-B) and
  • “newmath” (new TeX math font setup with 256 characters per encoding).

The default ist “newmath”.

For using “newmath” together with the “amsmath” package, there is an “withamsmath” option, as there are some amsmath compatibility issues (some “command … already defined” warnings etc.).

When using newmath and the amsmath package, you should use


in this order in your document preamble; “minionamsmath” is a small package which redefines a few commands to their newmath setting.

Usage of Adobe Minion Pro as Text Font

For Adobe Minion Pro as text font, please use the package “MinionPro.sty”, available from CTAN.

Load this package before the minionmath package. Use this package with the “onlytext” option:


For additional options, see the documentation of the MinionPro.sty package.


We will supply additional documentation soon.


The LaTeX support implements the following encodings:

  • NewMath encodings (256 slots per encoding):
    • Math Core (MC)
    • Math Symbol Principal (MSP)
    • Math Symbol One (MS1, MSA)
    • Math Symbol Two (MS2, MSB)
    • Math Extension Principal (MXP)
    • Math Extension One (MX1, MXA)

  • OldMath encodings (128 slots per encoding):
    • Math Italic (OML)
    • Math Symbol (OMS)
    • not implemented: Math Extension (OMX); instead MXP is used
    • AMS Math Symbol 1 (OMSA)
    • AMS Math Symbol 2 (OMSB)

  • Text encodings (acting on Adobe Minion Pro and Minion Math):
    • TeX Text (OT1)
    • TeX Extended TeX Font Encoding (T1)
    • TeX Text Companion Symbols 1 (TS1)

We will supply detailed information on the encodings soon.

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